Friday, November 27, 2009


** This is quite an old one ***

The apex ov me,
Departed to two,
One was Nazareth,
And the other was holy lucifer.

Reciting with self,
Gave an opportunity,
For he conquered me,
With his mighty will,

Lead me to rebellion,
Against my very own,
Made me a demigod,
An illusion which made me rot.

Powers of trust,
were rusted,
the cannibal ov emotions,
a soulless monk,
was all to be blamed

Thought for none,
was still in the illusion under,
the sun ov darkness.

was thy kingdom,
imagined to be gunned,
with my own hand.

The messenger,
Ov realization
came to me,
when i was in a reign,
engulfed by the apocalypse.

Forsaken !!!
Forsaken !!
Forsaken !!
Killed or forsaken ??

Oh my beloved one!!
was i walking the path ov tragedy and destruction,
hatred and suffocation,
For now on,
Place my brow,
so below that could'st be never imagined.

My meek thoughts,
have destroyed a lot,
for thy enjoyment,
led to misery and destruction.

I bow to thee.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Black Violence...

Crawling dark,
At Dusk,
Blacks walk,
Towards the entrance,
Of the Kurukshetra,

Paying the Paise,
Entering the Gates,
In the air,
Some of Hashish,
While some of modern Bidi's

Get banged by great,
The blacks,
Watching them
The Great Kali,
unto their souls.

These Souls,
raising violently,
turning Deathly.

Maut !!
Maut !!
Maut !!
Maut !!

torn with ease,

When all comes to an end,
Pichwadas just bend,
To peace.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Eternal ... Beloved ..

Beauty engraved,


Full moon,

Ov love.

Golden Heart,

Which couldst you,

Find ever,

In the corners ov this vast universe.

None ov thy angels,

Couldst ever be compared,

To thee,

For you is the Aristocrat,


For which I am,

A slave,

Addicted to thy holy blood.


My own sanctum,

With the spirit,

That flows,

Through veins,

As Above So Below.

When the Four great,

Mighty heavenly forces,

Reside equatorial,

A precious body,

Precious than,





Comes forth,

With the might ov thee.

When holy Venus,


The eternal drop ov her beauty,

Fell on you the ugly duckling,

Beauty infinity!!

Its YOU !!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Heed !!
to thee,
for hast not,
yet been condemned.

Ye shalt see,
for he will bring,
peace for an eternity,
by accomplishing,
the need ov ye.

the sagas,
kill the ones,
the master ov slaves.

None shalt ever see,
nor arise,
over him,
for it,
thou shalt be in appal.

He who speaks,
against him,
or head him towards,
slavery and destruction,
shalt suffer aphasia,
and yet,
if nothing changes,
thou shalt be crucified,
the four mighty powers.

for thou has provoked,
the inner sanctum,
ov ye,
he who is,

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Between Life and Death...

Walking the path of tragedy,
when i am abrade,
none seems,
to fathom so well.

Helping for nobility,
with no disgrace,
for you shall,
never see.

Pain is my eternal beauty,
for you have owed me to it,
arises a rill of happiness,
that shall not,
exist for hours,
as your holiness,
may direct it to hell,

Death means life to me,
as i am enjoying,
peace of an eternity,
my gratitude to you.

Serving as a slave,
in the dungeons,
of my own corpse,
whose keys are lost,
in my own darkness.

When death came crawling,
and you left nothing for me,
and now,
Death is my only friend,
Pain is what i love the more,
Let me indulge in my solitude....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lust for the Undesired...

fucked thy wounds
for ye own sacred desire.

Need for currency,
but should ye,
bring out,
small angels.

Beauty ov desire,
one ov those seven deadly sins,
so called Lust.

Beauty ov ye own,
why couldst,
you bring it,
for this black currency.

Stop all these,
for ye shalt be,
some either day,
or after reincarnation.

Poor little angels,
suffering diseases,
elder to ye.

Forsake em,
Before it gets,
too late,
angels may turn demons.

The apocalypse is nearing,
for it,
none ov ye,
shalt ever survive,
converted Demons,
ov Heaven or Hell,
may crucify your soul,
heights above,
or depths below.

Slaying the Unheard...

Walking around,
between life and death,
for thy arms ov slayed,
are absorbing thou.

Death ov Beezelbub's empire,
But ye still,
hearty on throne,
slaying the unheard.

Death ov ye almighty's empire,
none still survived,
thou roaring hail,
slaying the unheard.

None left alive,
on the vast lands ov the armageddon,
But still thy rulers,
slaying the unheard.

Oh !! mighty unheard,
couldst thou not realize,
by the power ov thy will ,
to slay the slayer.

Rule down,
for thou has been,
kept away,
from the filthy little secrets,
ov thy emperor.

Rise against,
for thou shalt,
never see,
the evil with the great.

Rise ov a apocalypse,
for ye shalt see,
tormented souls,
in the edges ov ye black sky.

Corpse on Lonliness...

When light falls,
on the rotting dead,
his soul rises,
unto the air,
spreading shades ov happiness.

The black blood,
is discoloured,
with tears ov,
ye lonliness.

On the full moon night,
with blooded clouds and the sky,
a bright bleed,
at the end ov midnight.

Souls rising high,
As happiness burns prisons,
with light,
flying from the burden ov ye lonliness.

Dead People Around.

Dead is thy beauty,
Dead is thy curse,
Absent minded,
Thy soul flying with thy ashes.

Sitting with shadows,
can someone see thou,
thy black blood,
ov praiseful roots,
thy anus.

When darkness creeps,
over thy haunting sun,
the happy corpse rises,
into thy soul.
Contrasted surroundings,
ov black and white,
visualizes thou.

Can some one see me,
the beatiful zombies,
ever accept,
the human sitting in the dark.

Dont fall asleep,
as the lullabies ov death,
may fall into thy ears,
for thou shalt never whisper again.

Holding ye last breath,
vommitting the last words,
unless i close my eyes,
shalt may dissapear forever.

The Dead Curse.

The serpent ov destiny,
shalt thou ever forsake us,
for it,
we have been blindfolded.

Ov thy seven deadly sins,
we have committed,
the nymph ov thy womb,
is dead feets under,
the soil ov thy own.

Forsake it,
For we shalt help it survive.

Oh might one!!
what is this curse,
that thy feotus is suffering,
for ye are using thy name,
to hail thy selfish brains.

Lend me thy heavenly grace,
for which thy arch angel,
shalt seize thy curse,
ov thy children.

Bring thy good,
to the Armageddon,
for the cursed shalt be cured.
The one who recites,
shalt find thou,
in the darkness ov his own heart.

The creator ov this evil,
will be crucified,
some either day,
and the cruifix,
shalt be burnt,
unless the ashes ov thy curse,
blow with the breeze ov thy spirits.