Friday, November 27, 2009


** This is quite an old one ***

The apex ov me,
Departed to two,
One was Nazareth,
And the other was holy lucifer.

Reciting with self,
Gave an opportunity,
For he conquered me,
With his mighty will,

Lead me to rebellion,
Against my very own,
Made me a demigod,
An illusion which made me rot.

Powers of trust,
were rusted,
the cannibal ov emotions,
a soulless monk,
was all to be blamed

Thought for none,
was still in the illusion under,
the sun ov darkness.

was thy kingdom,
imagined to be gunned,
with my own hand.

The messenger,
Ov realization
came to me,
when i was in a reign,
engulfed by the apocalypse.

Forsaken !!!
Forsaken !!
Forsaken !!
Killed or forsaken ??

Oh my beloved one!!
was i walking the path ov tragedy and destruction,
hatred and suffocation,
For now on,
Place my brow,
so below that could'st be never imagined.

My meek thoughts,
have destroyed a lot,
for thy enjoyment,
led to misery and destruction.

I bow to thee.